
This tutorial will show an example showcasing the usage of Cancermuts on a well-known autophagy marker protein, MAP1LC3B (or more simply, LC3B).

We will download associated cancer mutations from both cBioPortal and COSMIC and annotate proteins and mutations with all the data sources available in Cancermuts.

Preliminary operations

This tutorial expects that the Cancermuts Python package has been installed and is available to be imported. If you have followed the recommended installation procedure and installed Cancermuts in a Python environment you need to activate it first, as detailed in point 3 of the installation.

You also need to have downloaded the COSMIC mutation export file, as detailed in the installation section.

Finally, you can decide to perform this tutorial either interactively (i.e. running line by line in a Python command line) or as a script (i.e. saving the lines you need in a script and running it). The two options are equvalent from the point of view of the result. If you're going for the first option, we recommended that you install the IPython command line interface which is more user friendly than the regular Python interpreter:

$ pip install ipython

and then just run ipython to enter the interpreter:

Python 3.8.0 (default, Dec  9 2021, 17:53:27)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 8.3.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]:

lastly, you can check if your Cancermuts installation was successful by trying and import the cancermuts package:

In [1]: import cancermuts

In [2]:

you shouldn't receive any error. If you receive an error instead we recommend checking that your installation was performed correctly and/or open an Issue on our GitHub repository to receive assistance.


Cancermuts works by interrogating different data sources to gather the requested information. These are all encoded in the datasources module which includes one class for every data source available in cancermuts. The steps for obtaining a cancermuts annotation are roughly as follows:

  1. Create a Sequence object by interrogating an appropriate data source. The Sequence object is the main container of information in cancermuts and links together all the available annotations

  2. Download mutations and add them to the sequence object. This is done by appropriately using other data sources

  3. Download annotations for either mutations (these are called metadata) or position or sequence properties (these are called properties). This is once again done by using appropriate data sources for the task.

  4. Create a pandas data frame from the Sequence object. This will contain all the gathered information.

  5. Create a visualization from the data frame

Tutorial script

The steps performed in the following tutorial are also written in a pre-built Python script available in the docs folder, called tutorial.py. In order to run it, you should have installed the Cancermuts package and activated the virtual environment in which it is installed (see Installation). This tutorial script follows the tutorial steps and has been written using a single cancer type as reference (colorectal cancer).

Depending on the location of the files required by Cancermuts on your system, you will need to edit the hardcoded paths in the script to match what is available to you

Once that is done, from the cancermuts/docs directory, you can just run:

$ python tutorial.py

The result should be a metatable.csv output file together with a my_table.pdf figure.

We also provide a similar example which considers all available cancer types, in the tutorial_pancancer.py file. It's run in the same way as with the other tutorial script:

$ python tutorial_pancancer.py

Similarly as before, the result should be a metatable_pancancer.csv output file together with a my_table_pancancer.pdf figure.

Tutorial steps

The Sequence object

Cancermuts works The first operation to be performed when starting to work with Cancermuts is creating a Sequence object. This object represents the protein sequence we want to consider for the analysis and links together all the information we are going to collect. In order to create it we use a data source class for UniProt from which we can downlaod protein sequences. This is only source for sequences available at the moment, more can be added in the future.

To download the main UniProt sequence, you will need the corresponding HGCN symbol only. The UniProt object automatically identifies the most likely UniProt ID corresponding to the gene name. Alternatively, it is possible to provide the UniProt ID manually as an option.

This is done as follows:

# import the UniProt data source class
>>> from cancermuts.datasources import UniProt

# create the corresponding uniprot object
>>> up = UniProt()

# get the sequence for the protein
>>> seq = up.get_sequence('MAP1LC3B')

# alternatively, we can specifically ask for a Uniprot ID
>>> seq = up.get_sequence('MAP1LC3B', upid='MLP3B_HUMAN')

# this prints the downloaded protein sequence
>>> print(seq.sequence)

# the seq.positions attribute is an ordered list of the protein positions:
>>> seq.positions[0:3]

Collecting cancer mutations

Now that we have the Sequence ready, we can start adding annotations to it. We will first download cancer mutations from cBioPortal and COSMIC.

We first import the required datasource classes for them:

# import data sources classes
>>> from cancermuts.datasources import cBioPortal, COSMIC


For cBioPortal, we first create the respective source object:

>>> cb = cBioPortal(cancer_studies=['coadread_dfci_2016', 

For this tutorial, we specify a list of cancer studies Cancermuts should use, which correspond to a few colorectal cancer studies. This is especially useful if we are interested in e.g. a certain cancer type or some other specific studies. Studies can be referred to using their cBioPortal study identifier.

Finding the correct set of identifier for the studies of interest can be tricky, as it isn't obvious from the cBioPortal website which study IDs are connected to specific studies. When creating a cBioPortal object without the cancer_studies argument, two attributes of the object can be helpful to this regard. cb.cancer_types is a list of cancer types as classified by cBioPortal and cb.cancer_studies is the full list of studies available on cBioPortal. These list are regular pandas dataframes and can be manipulated as such, including saved to csv files or similar.

Alternatively, one can visit the cBioPortal datasets page which contains a list of all the available studies. While this list doesn't contain a column with study IDs, the web links that link the studies in the "Name" column do contain the IDs. For instance, the study named "Breast Invasive Carcinoma (Broad, Nature 2012)" links the page https://www.cbioportal.org/study?id=brca_broad - meaning the corresponding study ID is brca_broad.

It is also possible to initialize the cBioPortal data source object without specifying cancer studies:

>>> cb = cBioPortal()

In this case, Cancermuts will gather mutations from all cancer studies available in cBioPortal.

Finally, we use this object to gather the mutations from the selected cancer studies and add them to our Sequence object we created earlier:

>>> cb.add_mutations(seq)

It is possible to downloaded metadata about the downloaded aminoacid mutations as well by using the metadata argument of add_mutations, which supports a list of strings, one for each metadata type. This is usually recommended. By default no metadata are added. Supported metadata for cBioPortal are:

  • cancer_type: type of cancer the mutation was found in, depending on the study

  • cancer_study: cBioPortal study the mutation was found in

  • genomic_coordinates: Genomic coordinates of the corresponding genomic mutation

  • genomic_mutations: Genomic coordinates and base pair substitution of the corresponding genomic mutation

So for instance:

>>> cb.add_mutations(seq, metadata=['cancer_type', 'cancer_study', 'genomic_mutations'])

the gene or protein name is not among the arguments - this is because it is inferred from the seq object. Only mutations of the corresponding gene will be annotated.

This step might take a few minutes as Cancermuts interrogates the cBioPortal online database. The final result of this step will have modified the seq Sequence object we have created by adding mutations to the positions of the respective residues. In this case, Cancermuts identified only three mutations for cBioPortal:

>>> print(seq.positions[38].mutations)
[<Mutation K39R from cBioPortal>]

>>> print(seq.positions[64].mutations)
[<Mutation K65E from cBioPortal>]

>>> print(seq.positions[122].mutations)
[<Mutation L123S from cBioPortal>]

Each mutation is recorded in a Mutation object that can be further explored:

>>> seq.positions[64].mutations
[<Mutation K65E from cBioPortal>]

>>> seq.positions[64].mutations[0].sources
[<cancermuts.datasources.cBioPortal at 0x1510a0455c50>]

>>> seq.positions[64].mutations[0].mutated_residue_type

>>> seq.positions[38].mutations[0].metadata
{'cancer_type': [<CancerType Colorectal Adenocarcinoma from cBioPortal>],
 'cancer_study': [<CancerStudy coadread_genentech from cBioPortal>],
 'genomic_mutations': [<GenomicMutation hg19,16:g.87435877A>G from cBioPortal>],
 'genomic_coordinates': [<GenomicCoordinates 16:87435877-87435877 in hg19 from cBioPortal>]}

The cancer type is not always present in the data downloaded from cBioPortal. In this cases, Cancermuts tries its best to infer it from the study name.


As before, we first create a COSMIC data source object:

cosmic = COSMIC(database_files='/data/databases/cosmic-v95/CosmicMutantExport.tsv',

here the database_files argument is a string. If the user wants to use more than one database file, these should be provided as a list of strings. Usually, the argument for this file would be the COSMIC database file that was downloaded as detailed in the Install section.

Similarly, database_encoding defines the text file encoding for every file (it is latin1 for COSMIC version 95).

As the default database file is rather large, we recommend running this step on a computer with at least 32 GB of free memory. Otherwise, it is possible to filter the database file first, for instnace keeping only the rows that contain the gene name of interest. In bash this can be done by running:

$ head -n 1 CosmicMutantExport.tsv > header.txt
$ grep MAP1LC3B CosmicMutantExport.tsv > content.txt
$ cat header.txt content.txt > COSMIC_map1lc3b.csv
$ rm header.txt content.txt

and then using the resulting file as the database file

We can then add mutations from the COSMIC data source:

					 metadata=['genomic_coordinates', 'genomic_mutations',
					 		   'cancer_site', 'cancer_histology'])

Here we restrict the search to those mutations that are involved in colorectal adenocarcinoma.

It is also possible to search in any available cancer type or site as well (i.e. pancancer), by not specifying cancer types or sites in the add_mutations call, for instance:

cosmic.add_mutations(seq, metadata=['genomic_coordinates', 'genomic_mutations', 
                                       'cancer_site', 'cancer_histology'])

It should be noted that COSMIC supports up to four cancer histology types and four cancer histology subtypes and Cancermuts allows to filter by any of this. In particular, only the mutations that correspond to all the selected criteria are retained. Please see the COSMIC phenotype classification for the classification that COSMIC uses.

Furthermore, similarly to cBioPortal, we retain some metadata:

  • cancer_histology: histology information on the cancer(s) in which this mutation was found

  • cancer_site: site information on the cancer(s) in which this mutation was found

  • genomic_coordinates: Genomic coordinates of the corresponding genomic mutation

  • genomic_mutations: Genomic coordinates and base pair substitution of the corresponding genomic mutation

In this case, filtering the database allows to add only a single mutation, which is K65E. It should be noted that the same amino acid substitution was already identified by cBioPortal. This means that the mutation object corresponding to this aminoacid substitution is annotated with metadata for this newfound mutation. We see now that the details obtained by both cBioPortal and COSMIC are present:

>>> seq.positions[64].mutations[0]
<Mutation K65E from cBioPortal,COSMIC>

>>> seq.positions[64].mutations[0].sources
[<cancermuts.datasources.cBioPortal at 0x1510a0455c50>,
 <cancermuts.datasources.COSMIC at 0x15109ff10050>]

>>> seq.positions[64].mutations[0].metadata
{'cancer_type': [<CancerType Colorectal Adenocarcinoma from cBioPortal>],
 'cancer_study': [<CancerStudy coadread_genentech from cBioPortal>],
 'genomic_mutations': [<GenomicMutation hg19,16:g.87435877A>G from cBioPortal>,
  <GenomicMutation hg38,16:g.87402271A>G from COSMIC>],
 'genomic_coordinates': [<GenomicCoordinates 16:87435877-87435877 in hg19 from cBioPortal>,
  <GenomicCoordinates 16:87402271-87402271 in hg38 from COSMIC>],
 'cancer_site': [<CancerSite, large_intestine, colon>],
 'cancer_histology': [<TumorHistology, carcinoma, adenocarcinoma>]}

Additional mutation metadata

Cancermuts allows to enrich the downloaded mutations with further metadata. We will see now how to download the REVEL pathogenicy score and the gnomAD allele frequency for each specific variant.

REVEL score from MyVariant

We will download scores for the REVEL predictor of pathogenicity from the MyVariant.info database. REVEL is associated to genomic mutations and not to amino-acid mutations, therefore our amino acid mutations need to be annotated with the genomic mutations metadata in order for this to be possible. This is performed as detailed above. In order to download the associated REVEL score, we can use the appropriate data source class:

>>> from cancermuts.datasources import MyVariant

>>> mv = MyVariant()
>>> mv.add_metadata(seq)

we can check that the mutations have been annotated with the REVEL score:

>>> seq.positions[64].mutations[0].metadata['revel_score']
[<DbnsfpRevel, 0.314>, <DbnsfpRevel, 0.314>]

In this case we see the same score twice, as the mutation was previously annotated with two genomic mutations. The two genomic mutations corresponded to the same mutations annotated in two different genome assemblies, therefore the two scores we are able to gather have the same value.

gnomAD allele frequencies

Similarly, we annotate mutations with their exome or genome allele frequencies as found in the gnomAD database. It is also possible to annotate with the highest allele frequency found in non-bottlenecked populations (referred to as popmax). This works as you would expect by now:

>>> from cancermuts.datasources import gnomAD

>>> gnomad = gnomAD(version='2.1')
>>> gnomad.add_metadata(seq, md_type=['gnomad_exome_allele_frequency',

here, we specify the version argument to specify the version of gnomAD to be considered. Please refer to the API documentation for all the available versions.

The md_type keyword allows to select which metadata type(s) to annotate, i.e. choose between exome or genome allele frequency (or both as in the example) and whether to annotate the popmax as well. Note, that they can all be chosen independently of each other.

We calculate the allele frequency as the ratio between the total allele count over the allele number as found in gnomAD, if the entry for the corresponding variant is available.

The popmax allele frequency is found by calculating the exome and/or genome allele frequency from all supported non-bottlenecked populations and then finding the maximum frequency of those.

Finally we can check the downloaded metadata:

>>> seq.positions[64].mutations[0].metadata['gnomad_exome_allele_frequency']
[<gnomADExomeAlleleFrequency, 0.000028>,
 <gnomADExomeAlleleFrequency, 0.000028>]

>>> seq.positions[64].mutations[0].metadata['gnomad_genome_allele_frequency']
[<gnomADGenomeAlleleFrequency, nan>,
 <gnomADGenomeAlleleFrequency, nan>]

here Cancermuts could assign an exome allele frequency for the associated genomic mutations, however it wasn't able to download or calculate the corresponding genome allele frequency.

Position properties

We will further annotate our sequence object with properties connected to each single residue. For the moment, these are post-translation modifications from Phosphosite and order/disorder propensity from MobiDB.

We import the relative data source class, similarly as what done previously:

from cancermuts.datasources import PhosphoSite, MobiDB

Post-translational modifications with phosphosite

We will annotate post-translational modifications identified in experiments from the PhosphoSite Plus database. In order to do so we need a local copy of the Phosphosite dataset - please see the instructions in the installation guide.

We first create the Phosphosite data source object. We will need to supply the location of the database files:

>>> ps = PhosphoSite('/data/databases/phosphosite/')

by default, Cancermuts expect the file names in the database to be the default ones. However it's possible to specify the file name for each post-translational modifications by supplying the database_files argument, which should be a dictionary associating each PTM to a file name:

>>> my_databse_files = {  'acetylation'     : 'my_Acetylation_site_dataset',
                          'methylation'     : 'my_Methylation_site_dataset',
                           ... }

the keys of the dictionaries should be the options supported in the properties argument of the add_position_properties (see below).

Once the object is created we can add the position properties to our sequence object. If no properties is supplied, all of them will be considered. Otherwise, the properties object should be a list of the keywords corresponding to the PTMs that we want to be annotated, as follows:

So, for instance:

>>> ps.add_position_properties(seq, 
	                           properties=['phosphorylation', 'ubiquitination'])

However, in this case we will consider all of them:

>>> ps.add_position_properties(seq)

Once again, we can check the result:

>>> seq.positions[4].properties
{'ptm_ubiquitination': <PositionProperty Ubiquitination Site from PhosphoSite>}

>>> seq.positions[28].properties
{'ptm_phosphorylation': <PositionProperty Phosphorylation Site from PhosphoSite>}

structured regions with MobiDB

We use the MobiDB website to annotate disordered regions in our protein of interest using the consensus of the entry. This works similarly as before:

mdb = MobiDB()

We can then check the annotation as done previously:

>>> seq.positions[0].properties['mobidb_disorder_propensity']
<StructuralDisorder, None>

>>> seq.positions[10].properties['mobidb_disorder_propensity']
<StructuralDisorder, Structured, observed>

There are four types of annotations, here listed in order of priority.

  • Disordered, curated

    • Based on manually curated data

  • Disordered, derived

    • Based on primary data, e.g. PDB structures

  • Disordered, homology

    • Based on homology inference

  • Disordered, predicted

    • Based on predictions

If none of these data are available for the consensus, the residue will not be annotated. For more information about the types of evidence, please see the MobiDB vocabulary

Sequence properties

We further annotate properties to the sequence, i.e. properties that cover multiple residues. We first import the respective classes:

>>> from cancermuts.datasources import ELMPredictions

Predictions of short linear motifs from ELM

We annotate the sequence using predictions for short linear motifs from the Eukaryotic Linear Motif database:

>>> elm = ELMPredictions()
>>> elm.add_sequence_properties(seq,

here exclude_elm_classes is a single regular expression that allows to remove specific ELM classes by specifying a regular expression that matches one or more ELM class identifier. Here we use "MOD_." to exclude post-translational modifications which are already supplied by PhosphoSite.

We can check the linear motifs we have collected:

>>> seq.properties
{'linear_motif': [<SequenceProperty Linear motif from ELM, positions 10,11,12>,
  <SequenceProperty Linear motif from ELM, positions 69,70,71>,
  <SequenceProperty Linear motif from ELM, positions 5,6,7,8,9>,

and their specifics:

>>> seq.properties['linear_motif'][0].type
'NRD cleavage site'

>>> seq.properties['linear_motif'][0].positions
[<SequencePosition, residue R at position 10>,
 <SequencePosition, residue R at position 11>,
 <SequencePosition, residue T at position 12>]

Alternatively, and in a very similar fashion, it is possible to use the gget Python package to obtain short linear motifs definitions. The current implementation only considers "regexp" type of predictions from the full protein sequence. It should be noted that, unlike when using the ELM webserver as detailed above to obtain these data, no filtering is applied. For instance:

>>> elm = ggetELMPredictions()
>>> elm.add_sequence_properties(seq,

This can be useful when e.g. the ELM webserver is not available or for when many calls in a row are necessary. The ELM webserver requires a minimum 3-minute interval between queries which has been baked into the current implementation of the ELM data source.

Custom annotations

We can further add annotations manually to our dataset. This is for data that is not available in the databases as of yet, but is useful to have annotated in the pipeline to have a complete picture. This can be done by using a custom CSV file as data source. The CSV can contain different types and levels of information. The file should have the following columns, separated by ;:

The column format changes depending on the type:

  • If we want to annotate a new aminoacid substitution, then

    • type has to be mutation

    • name can be any string

    • site needs to be a HGVS-format protein variant specification, e.g. p.Ala398Tyr

    • a new column, genomic_mutations, can optionally be added to annotate genomic mutations metadata corresponding to the protein mutation. For each mutation, we can specify one mor more space-separated single-nucleotide substitutions in the HGVS format, preposed by hg19 or hg38 depending on the reference genome assembly (hg19/hg38). For instance, hg38,17:g.7673776G>A. To actually use the information from the 'genomic_mutations' column, the genomic_mutations metadata should also be specified when calling ManualAnnotation.add_mutations See the examples below.

  • If we want to annotate a post-translational modification, then

    • type should be one of ptm_phosphorylation, ptm_ubiquitination, ptm_acetylation, ptm_sumoylation, ptm_nitrosylation, ptm_methylation

    • name can be any string

    • site needs to be a single number, e.g. 34. This is the residue number in the sequence (1-based) on which the PTM is found

    • function can be any string

    • reference can be any string

  • If we want to annotate a novel short linear motif, then

    • type should be linear_motif

    • site should be a dash-separated residue range, i.e. 10-25 to signify from residue 10 to 25 in the aminoacid sequence, 1-based, including extremities

    • function can be any string

    • reference can be any string

  • If we want to annotate a structured region, then

    • type should be structure

    • site should be a dash-separated residue range, i.e. 10-25 to signify from residue 10 to 25 in the aminoacid sequence, 1-based, including extremities

    • function can be any string

    • reference can be any string

For instance, this is a working example of the csv file (named test.csv):


If you do not want to include the genomic_mutations data, then structure the csv file as follows.


using the CSV file works as you would expect:

>>> ma = ManualAnnotation('test.csv')

# adds mutations to the seq object
>>> ma.add_mutations(seq)
# adds PTM annotations to the sequence object
>>> ma.add_position_properties(seq)

# alternatively, if we want to add genomic mutations metadata, we need to
# explicitly add it in the metadata argument instead. The following commented
# line adds mutations with the corresponding metadata to the seq obejct
# >>> ma.add_mutations(seq, metadata=['genomic_mutations'])

# adds structure or linear motif annotation to the sequence object
>>> ma.add_sequence_properties(seq)

We can then verify:

>>> seq.positions[0].mutations
[<Mutation M1A from Manual annotations from test.csv>]

>>> seq.positions[2].properties['ptm_phosphorylation']
<PositionProperty Phosphorylation Site from Manual annotations from test.csv>

>>> seq.properties['linear_motif']
[<SequenceProperty Linear motif from Manual annotations from test.csv, positions 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25>]

>>> seq.properties['structure']
[<SequenceProperty Structure from Manual annotations from test.csv, positions 30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40>]

Generating the final table

Once the Sequence object has been annotated with the desired data and metadata we can generate a summary table containing all the information. This is done using the Table module:

>>> from cancermuts.table import Table

>>> tbl = Table()

# generate pandas data frame
>>> df = tbl.to_dataframe(seq)

We can then manipulate the dataframe as we see fit, e.g. by saving it as a csv file:

# save pandas dataframe as CSV
>>> mt = Table()
>>> df = mt.to_dataframe(seq)
>>> df.to_csv("metatable.csv")

Plotting the content of the final table

Finally, we can use Cancermuts to obtain a graphical representation of the final data frame:

>>> fig, ax = mt.plot_metatable(df, fname='my_table.pdf', section_size=50)

the function returns the figure and axes Matplotlib objects relative to the figure that is being created. It also saves the final output as the file indicated by the fname argument in pdf format. The plot is similar to the one shown and described in our publication. Different aspects of the plot can be customized specifying different arguments, the major ones being:

  • the section_size arguments control how many protein sequence position are described by each section of the plot, meaning it controls how many sections are generated. The argument is the number of desired positions (e.g. section_size=50)

  • several data types can be hidden or shown by changing options to False (do not show) or True (show; default for most cases). These are mutations, elm, ptms, structure, structure_mobidb, mutations_revel

  • by default, only ELMs overlapping mutation sites are plotted - this can be changed by using argument mutation_elms_only=False

  • option figsize accepts a tuple of number (width and height) and allows to change size and proportion of the output figure (e.g. figsize=(4,5))

Last updated